I think of the song John Denver made popular,Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy,we all like to be on the sunny side of Live and if we can make someone smile and put some sunrays in their Live,all the better,may the sun shine on all.
Elizabeth Wrights we need to help make others happy and feel loved, as we share JESUS CHRIST love with them. I have strived to follow in OUR SAVIOR’S FOOTSTEPS FOR MANY LONG YEARS. I thank HIM everyday for helping me take one day ata time. May GODS Angels continue to watch over your family and you forever, is my prayer.
Sister in CHRIST EElizabeth that is truly a lovely comment and I agree completely. This I need to share about my beloved husband. He seemed to never meet a stranger, as he always would wave, smile and tell them to have a good day. Well your remark certainly takes that a great step forward “Have a good day forever” should bring lots of joy and sunshine into to others lives. May GODS Angels continue to watch over your family and you forever, is my prayer.
I have found a way to put sunshine in people I know and in strangers… When leaving, I say,
“Have a good FOREVER” and the smiles on their faces says it all… Praise the LORD !!!
That is truly a beautiful inspiring message, as GOD gives Sunshine in our lives each day, as we strive to walk with HIM no matter what comes along. I enjoyed the music, as it touched my soul and lifted my heart up during this time that I am very concerned for a teenage young man that I email back and forth in Ghana, Dema Africa.
February 11, 2019 @ 9:09 am
love this song and all the pretty pics.
May 29, 2017 @ 10:42 am
I think of the song John Denver made popular,Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy,we all like to be on the sunny side of Live and if we can make someone smile and put some sunrays in their Live,all the better,may the sun shine on all.
January 19, 2016 @ 7:06 am
this is so very pretty let God shine thru every day, give him praise, always
January 18, 2016 @ 7:48 pm
Elizabeth Wrights we need to help make others happy and feel loved, as we share JESUS CHRIST love with them. I have strived to follow in OUR SAVIOR’S FOOTSTEPS FOR MANY LONG YEARS. I thank HIM everyday for helping me take one day ata time. May GODS Angels continue to watch over your family and you forever, is my prayer.
January 18, 2016 @ 6:34 pm
ANITA.. Thank you for the complement… I love to see people happy, so I go out of my way to do what JESUS
would do…
Sister in CHRIST, Elizabeth W.
January 18, 2016 @ 12:21 pm
Sister in CHRIST EElizabeth that is truly a lovely comment and I agree completely. This I need to share about my beloved husband. He seemed to never meet a stranger, as he always would wave, smile and tell them to have a good day. Well your remark certainly takes that a great step forward “Have a good day forever” should bring lots of joy and sunshine into to others lives. May GODS Angels continue to watch over your family and you forever, is my prayer.
January 18, 2016 @ 9:58 am
I have found a way to put sunshine in people I know and in strangers… When leaving, I say,
“Have a good FOREVER” and the smiles on their faces says it all… Praise the LORD !!!
August 6, 2014 @ 11:02 am
Lovely message and made me smile, Love and Hugs Syl
August 5, 2014 @ 11:56 am
That is truly a beautiful inspiring message, as GOD gives Sunshine in our lives each day, as we strive to walk with HIM no matter what comes along. I enjoyed the music, as it touched my soul and lifted my heart up during this time that I am very concerned for a teenage young man that I email back and forth in Ghana, Dema Africa.