Compassion to all I give, whether friend or foe… They are children of GOD whether they know it or not…
I have made life long friends when now one wanted to have anything to do with them… Thank you wonderful
GOD for your guidance… I LOVE you…
Those certainly were Words of Wisdom that all faithful Christians need to follow each day of their life. I believe in praying for others ins need for sure. May GODs Angels continue to watch over all of you forever, is my prayer.
July 9, 2015 @ 4:38 pm
Compassion to all I give, whether friend or foe… They are children of GOD whether they know it or not…
I have made life long friends when now one wanted to have anything to do with them… Thank you wonderful
GOD for your guidance… I LOVE you…
July 9, 2015 @ 3:30 pm
Those certainly were Words of Wisdom that all faithful Christians need to follow each day of their life. I believe in praying for others ins need for sure. May GODs Angels continue to watch over all of you forever, is my prayer.