Yes Lord, I know that you are with me every minute of every day. No matter how I try to hide, no matter when I feel the need to be alone, you won’t let go of me. For that I’m grateful that I have at least you in my life.
YOu are right my friend we have no right to judge, as GOD as told us over and over. I believe this message is attempting to show us that we just need to realize that GOD is always there to console us. Like the poem Footprints. One set of print is ours and other is the LORD’S, but when our burdens get to heavy HE is their to carry us, that is why you only see one set of foorprints, after troubling times.
before advise to others..why peoiple r not trying for own self.crying is an emotion…how can i make u understand that i am not in human like u all.i have emotuons..if i can help i will help all.cowardness is first n last step for all troubles.fear of the lord is a love for humans.fear of authorities n staying behind the curtain is a last thing what i hate.thank god i am more couragious than men…alhamdolillah.try this it will work n yes do not forget to track me again..that if i am reading idris shah or baba bhoole shah or waris alwi.n yes deleberatly..i am writing like please keep ur habit of mental torchering upto u as u have never walked in my shoes.n so easy to get..wrong n false info. n be a god of some body’s destiny for god knows what benifit people get as i am not from u to believe in seeing all the vision can be an illusion is so wonderful but people r garbage n iu had a chronic desease to pick up garbage even n try to make something out of it.take it easy my freinds.
This is such an awesome site!! Thank you Lord for helping to create it and bless who are responsible for it. Please keep sending it each day to me. I agree with sharon—want a wonderful way to begin each day!!! To God be the Glory–Great Things He Hath Done–So Loved He the World that He gave us His Son!!!!! Have a glorious Sunday with the Lord!!!
June 2, 2015 @ 11:43 pm
I really need some spirital guidance i am fustrated upset and trying to stay focus and believing to recoeve hus graces help need some responed
October 17, 2012 @ 9:17 am
Yes Lord, I know that you are with me every minute of every day. No matter how I try to hide, no matter when I feel the need to be alone, you won’t let go of me. For that I’m grateful that I have at least you in my life.
August 15, 2011 @ 12:14 am
God indeed is gracious,
His mercy never fails…
The word of God gives,
direction and meaning to our lives
August 14, 2011 @ 3:51 pm
YOu are right my friend we have no right to judge, as GOD as told us over and over. I believe this message is attempting to show us that we just need to realize that GOD is always there to console us. Like the poem Footprints. One set of print is ours and other is the LORD’S, but when our burdens get to heavy HE is their to carry us, that is why you only see one set of foorprints, after troubling times.
July 18, 2010 @ 1:35 pm
before advise to others..why peoiple r not trying for own self.crying is an emotion…how can i make u understand that i am not in human like u all.i have emotuons..if i can help i will help all.cowardness is first n last step for all troubles.fear of the lord is a love for humans.fear of authorities n staying behind the curtain is a last thing what i hate.thank god i am more couragious than men…alhamdolillah.try this it will work n yes do not forget to track me again..that if i am reading idris shah or baba bhoole shah or waris alwi.n yes deleberatly..i am writing like please keep ur habit of mental torchering upto u as u have never walked in my shoes.n so easy to get..wrong n false info. n be a god of some body’s destiny for god knows what benifit people get as i am not from u to believe in seeing all the vision can be an illusion is so wonderful but people r garbage n iu had a chronic desease to pick up garbage even n try to make something out of it.take it easy my freinds.
July 9, 2010 @ 3:48 am
Wait on the Lord
be of Good courage,
and HE shall strengthen thine
Heart : Psalms 27:14
June 28, 2010 @ 10:51 am
Beautiful words.
June 27, 2010 @ 8:16 pm
I pray sometimes, My Lord and my GOD, my Lord and my savior, my friend…
GOD, we love you sooooooooo much… Thank you GOD for your love…
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
June 27, 2010 @ 3:56 pm
THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL how do i send this as an e mail???????????
June 27, 2010 @ 1:35 pm
Where do you go
This is lovely,the words are beautiful and inspiring,hoping,wanting,and wondering,ever faithful in their promise.God Bless!
June 27, 2010 @ 9:59 am
Beautiful words you share with us all.
I will read this, when I stumble and fall.
June 27, 2010 @ 9:56 am
This is such an awesome site!! Thank you Lord for helping to create it and bless who are responsible for it. Please keep sending it each day to me. I agree with sharon—want a wonderful way to begin each day!!! To God be the Glory–Great Things He Hath Done–So Loved He the World that He gave us His Son!!!!! Have a glorious Sunday with the Lord!!!
June 27, 2010 @ 9:32 am
these are so wonderful to wake up to each morning thank you
June 27, 2010 @ 9:16 am
i want go to USA.i want to join the US airforce.
June 27, 2010 @ 9:14 am
Let God save from pit falls always! Let Him bring joy and peace without delay and suspense long!