Who Do They Think He Was?
“The focus of this video is on three people, one was called King because of his music, one loved and king like because of his position as President in difficult times in America, the last was indeed a King, but His Kingdom was not of this earth, and the only crown that He wore was the crown of thorns placed upon His head. This King loved us so much that He gave His life that we might have eternal life.” –Steve Politte
What did you think of Steve’s video presentation? Please tell us in the comment section below and remember to sign up for our free newsletter.
August 18, 2017 @ 9:39 am
so pretty, Conway singing this song, for Elivs may have been the king of rock and roll, but God is the king of all kings,
April 16, 2017 @ 4:13 pm
praise the Lord, amen
December 12, 2016 @ 12:48 pm
Thank you God for you son Jesus to save us from our sins and to hear our prayers for forgivenss, peace, love, unhappiness, health with prayers for family, friends and even our enemies. Those that do not understand, have faith and believe. Who Do They Think He Was? Amen
December 12, 2016 @ 11:43 am
December 11, 2016 @ 9:23 pm
I guess I can understand why you didn’t post my comment. I won’t bother you again.
December 11, 2016 @ 5:43 pm
Yes Jesus was the only true King, but we are also called to look for Jesus in others. The video is as you said a perception of what others thought of the first two people, not what they thought of themselves. Indeed without our Lord Jesus (God) life would have no meaning. Thank you for taking the time to view the video and for you input. Much appreciated.
December 11, 2016 @ 5:19 pm
That was beautiful. I have found through talking with people that their perception of Christ is, if you cannot see something, feel it, touch it, then it cannot be real and does not exist. So they look for someone like Elvis and President Kennedy to look up to, respect and idolise, because to them they really do exist. If only they would realize that we do not need to see Christ we only have to open our hearts and minds, and He is there with us always, wrapping His arms around us with a Love that only he can give us. A persons life is not complete if Our Saviour is not a part of that life. Thank you for sharing and as much as I liked Elvis and Kennedy, they were never my Kings. God Bless you all.
December 11, 2016 @ 3:00 pm
To me he sounds like Conway Twitty.
December 11, 2016 @ 4:20 pm
You are correct Mary…..
December 11, 2016 @ 1:57 pm
I just left a comment. I guess you didn’t want to post it.