My most heartfelt sympathy at the loss of your beloved sons. Sometimes we find it hard to say “Thy Will Be Done” but God knows best. Instead of praying FOR YOUR SONS, you should pray TO YOUR SONS, as I’m certain that they were living saints. They are looking down on you Rachel, and they are together in heaven, in peace, in the arms of Our Heavenly Father. Don’t ever consider committing suicide Rachel, as, I don’t know what religion you are, but I as a Roman Catholic know that you will never get to heaven if you commit suicide…now think about that…if you committed suicide you would never see your sons again in heaven. That isn’t what you want is it? This way when Our Lord is ready to take you into His arms, He will bring you directly to your sons at that time. You are meant on this earth for a purpose, perhaps to show in some way that materialistic things mean nothing to your husband. Maybe this is his way of grieving for the loss of your recent loss in May. People grieve in different ways. Maybe this is your husbands way of blocking out the hurt, dismay, loss of your beloved sons. We can’t judge people my dear friend, not even our own family.
I also have lost two sons, both at three months old. Many years ago. Twin boys that were drowned and the FBI and police are still searching for these men in Mexico. But they are in the mountains well hidden. So I can relate to your great loss. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about them. There have been times that I too wanted to join them in heaven, but knew I would never see them again if I chose to take the “easy way out”. God has put us here Rachel and is keeping us on earth for a reason. Please find some peace in that.
I have written this for many people that have lost children over the years, and I’m sending it onto you.
“My Sons”
God made two wonderful sons
Two that will never grow old
He made them smile of the sunshine
He molded their hearts of pure gold
He made them as near to the angels
As any sons ever could be
God made two wonderful sons
And gave those two beautiful sons to thee.
Dear Lola,it was messages like this & others that have kept me going.As a matter of fact at one point I even concered suicide.I had lost my 2 precious sons,the only two I had.David,in 1994,and his brother on May 20,2013.I can’t remember what I said about mu husband,but I must have been refering to the fact that there are so many hurting people in this world,and sometimes material things that he doesn’t even need seen to come first.But my pain is over the loss of my “SPECIAL SONS”.
Rachel Dayhuff: I have no idea what you are going through, nor, that you asked us to pray for your husband of which I certainly will. I ask perhaps that you read my earlier messages on here, (go back to older comments, click on, and look for the name “Lola”.) Please start with my first message, then read the others. I say this to you Rachel, as I have a feeling that if you read what I said, it may be presented to your husband. I’m a survivor, and so much is going on in my life right now, and one day I did say: “Why God?” directly to Him. I wept as I just couldn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. I prayed, stormed heaven, and without going into detail, God has finally given me the sign that I can’t take anymore of my faith being tested so to speak. He has sent “angels” to help me through a very traumatic experience, and I’m slowly recovering. Perhaps your husband and maybe you will see the light. I pray that you both do. Don’t ever give up hope. There is God first, angels second, and then us as your friends on here. God Bless you both.
I have asked that so many times myself,but now I find myself feeling so self-centered.I know there are so very,very many in this world who are suffering loss in one way or another.I get Christ centered messages in the mail or on the computor and I find so many that are even giving their lives & the lives of their loved ones just to get the message out of OUR LORD & SAVIOR.Sometimes I don’t have time to write,but please pray that my husband will come to realize that there are many things one can do without to help hurting people.GOD BLESS YOU ALL
Bea, thank you for your compliment. Please feel free to add your thoughts, everyone has their own thoughts and feelings about how they feel about inspirational, uplifting videos such as the one above. I personally would be interested in learning and hearing how you feel and what you would really like to say.
Also, I re-read all of the comments on here, as I have been in the hospital for double knee replacements on January 3, 2013 and still recuperating slowly but surely. So my dear friends, I’m back and ready to write on here again, as I truly love Net…but the reason I’m writing this is to let all of you know that I’m back and didn’t ask “Why God?” Everything happens for a reason, always remember that and never question God. Remember dear friends, God always gives His cross to those that He loves the most, if that is any consolation to any or all of you.
After re-reading the comments, some had asked how to forward the above video to friends…if you check right below the video there is always in a block section; ‘CLICK HERE TO SEND’…THAT IS WHERE, IF YOU KNOW YOUR FRIEND (S) E-MAIL ADDRESS YOU CAN SEND IT TO THEM. I do hope that this will be of assistance to those that were wondering. It’s always there for your convenience to forward…and there is also a small block next to it that if you wish to receive a copy, it will be sent to your e-mail address, as you have to fill in your e-mail address. It’s simple and self-explanatory. God bless you all, and know that I’m so happy to be back visiting and talking with each of you again. Thank you for the many prayers, support, concern, and love expressed before, during and after this major surgery. I couldn’t walk, was in the hospital for a month, then was on a walker, now a cane, and hopefully in the not too distant future off the cane, back to driving and gaining back my independence. I missed you all so much, but was unable to write until recently. I had over 2,000 plus e-mails…I’m now down to 242 unread e-mails that need to be answered. But I will get to them. God bless you all…Keep the faith…keep the prayers coming for me as I do for you.
Thank you Kiddo. I wrote to everyone here from my heart, but mostly to God. He is my strength, my love, my life. Without Him we are nothing and will be nothing. I’m happy to read that your heart will go on…keep the faith my beloved friend/stranger. I will keep you in my prayers when alone with Jesus. I will whisper your name to Him, please do so in unison for me.
This is perhaps one of the most beautiful renditions of “Why God” that I have heard and read. I’m a survivor of so much, and I can’t ever remember asking “Why God”. And I guess that you wonder why. It is my belief,that God is trying to teach us a lesson, and we’re not listening to Him. It is my belief that maybe we will wake up and realize that He took our beloved ones away from us because we mistreated them by not caring enough to watch out for them, to support them, to be there for them, not appreciate what we had with them. It is my belief, that God gives each of us the opportunity to love and respect the greatest gift He could possibly give. The gift of having children to love, cherish, support and take care of. It is my belief that God looked down upon each of us and says: “Well, I gave you the gift of life, the gift of love, the gift of compassion, and cherish what you have. You abused those gifts, so I will take them from you and love, cherish, have compassion next to my heart.” God doesn’t do things to us, we do it to ourselves. Sometimes we have selfish motives, and only think of ourselves. God is a loving God and without Him we are nothing. So never ask “Why God?” Instead say: “I’m sorry God, I let you down, you didn’t let me down. You gave me all these wonderful gifts and now I’m at a loss without them. I’m so sorry and beg you to change my ways and never question you by saying “Why God.”
It is a very big differences…between this point of view…and mine…
I cannot explain here…all my conception about everything good or bad…but this was what God wanted
from me to share with you…(and of course…the help…)
Now …I am asking you…which is the contribution of God?
God wants the best for you…what are you doing with His will …depend only on yourself…
God dorsn’t force any-one to do nor good …nor bad….
God only…put in our way the opportunity…
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
We must not question GOD’S WILL, it is WE who are responsible for our actions! If we take GOD into our lives, he will guide us in the right direction. I know becasue I have received so many blessing from my LORD and SAVIOUR each day, I pray and praise and thank him every day, everyone should! GOD wants us to love one another, but unfortunately this world is full of greed, that is NOT what we will take with us in heaven. Rememeber one thing, it’s the good that we do on this earth that we will earn HEAVEN!! Things like greed, money, power will all be left behind once we leave this earth, it is our SOUL we must SAVE, we are on this earth only TEMPORARY, some people think they will live forever, so untrue! I’d like to say one more thing, although Christmas is a wonderful time of year, with decorations and gift giving, but rememebr one thing, the REAL definition of Christmas, is CHRIST our SAVIOUR, so don’t forget HIM!
“Beloved heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we give you all the praise and honour and glory!!
Every word upon that inspiring video certainly is true. GOD gave us freewill and as human beings we have abused it and brought all of these unpleasant happenings upon ourselves. All Christians truly need to learn to walk with GOD each day and strive to live by HIS words for the guidance that all of us need.I carry a prayer in my heart for all of you that are striving to live as GOD would want you to do now and forever.
This is a very beautiful message and I enjoyed reading it so much. This will make others stop and think about life’s situations. But always know in your heart there is nothing that you and I can’t handle on a daily basis with God in our lives. Thanks for such beautiful messages.
Why?…just because…us.
Do you think…God is responsible…for all this malignant situation?
Of course…not…l
And reality is …other…
The soul …before be encased in the body…chose everything of those malicious treatment…to succeed the eternal life…
and they are doing that with a great pleasure…
This truly was a message that has etered my thoughts many times, but GOD has chosen to let me know that we as human beings bring these sad things to past. Maybe we didn’t cause an accident, but another neglectful human did the act. God decided to not make puppets out of us and we have our own Free Will. OUR HEAVENLY FATHER gives us love, hope and faith, which the greatest of these is love, so HE has shown that it is necessary share this love with others. I thank all of you for your very inspiring comments and especially Steve for this very loving message.
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
Steve, you have touched the very soul of my being from the words
you have offered in, “Why God.” As I wipe away the tears from
my eyes, and try to grasp the reality of everyday occurances
that take away so many lives and affect the families and friends
of those people, I also ask God, “Why.” I can only believe that
God will offer us, ‘Hands of Hope’ so that we may carry on and
hope for a better tomorrow. Beautiful and most touching words.
October 14, 2015 @ 11:40 am
and why my Grandson at 32 years of age, not me instead. When I get to Heaven I will ask God that very question.
I Love You God.
September 18, 2013 @ 6:19 pm
Thank you for caring
September 18, 2013 @ 8:05 am
Dear Rachel:
My most heartfelt sympathy at the loss of your beloved sons. Sometimes we find it hard to say “Thy Will Be Done” but God knows best. Instead of praying FOR YOUR SONS, you should pray TO YOUR SONS, as I’m certain that they were living saints. They are looking down on you Rachel, and they are together in heaven, in peace, in the arms of Our Heavenly Father. Don’t ever consider committing suicide Rachel, as, I don’t know what religion you are, but I as a Roman Catholic know that you will never get to heaven if you commit suicide…now think about that…if you committed suicide you would never see your sons again in heaven. That isn’t what you want is it? This way when Our Lord is ready to take you into His arms, He will bring you directly to your sons at that time. You are meant on this earth for a purpose, perhaps to show in some way that materialistic things mean nothing to your husband. Maybe this is his way of grieving for the loss of your recent loss in May. People grieve in different ways. Maybe this is your husbands way of blocking out the hurt, dismay, loss of your beloved sons. We can’t judge people my dear friend, not even our own family.
I also have lost two sons, both at three months old. Many years ago. Twin boys that were drowned and the FBI and police are still searching for these men in Mexico. But they are in the mountains well hidden. So I can relate to your great loss. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about them. There have been times that I too wanted to join them in heaven, but knew I would never see them again if I chose to take the “easy way out”. God has put us here Rachel and is keeping us on earth for a reason. Please find some peace in that.
I have written this for many people that have lost children over the years, and I’m sending it onto you.
“My Sons”
God made two wonderful sons
Two that will never grow old
He made them smile of the sunshine
He molded their hearts of pure gold
He made them as near to the angels
As any sons ever could be
God made two wonderful sons
And gave those two beautiful sons to thee.
With deepest sympathy on your loss,
September 17, 2013 @ 8:38 pm
Dear Lola,it was messages like this & others that have kept me going.As a matter of fact at one point I even concered suicide.I had lost my 2 precious sons,the only two I had.David,in 1994,and his brother on May 20,2013.I can’t remember what I said about mu husband,but I must have been refering to the fact that there are so many hurting people in this world,and sometimes material things that he doesn’t even need seen to come first.But my pain is over the loss of my “SPECIAL SONS”.
September 17, 2013 @ 6:42 pm
Rachel Dayhuff: I have no idea what you are going through, nor, that you asked us to pray for your husband of which I certainly will. I ask perhaps that you read my earlier messages on here, (go back to older comments, click on, and look for the name “Lola”.) Please start with my first message, then read the others. I say this to you Rachel, as I have a feeling that if you read what I said, it may be presented to your husband. I’m a survivor, and so much is going on in my life right now, and one day I did say: “Why God?” directly to Him. I wept as I just couldn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. I prayed, stormed heaven, and without going into detail, God has finally given me the sign that I can’t take anymore of my faith being tested so to speak. He has sent “angels” to help me through a very traumatic experience, and I’m slowly recovering. Perhaps your husband and maybe you will see the light. I pray that you both do. Don’t ever give up hope. There is God first, angels second, and then us as your friends on here. God Bless you both.
In peace,
September 17, 2013 @ 2:54 pm
I have asked that so many times myself,but now I find myself feeling so self-centered.I know there are so very,very many in this world who are suffering loss in one way or another.I get Christ centered messages in the mail or on the computor and I find so many that are even giving their lives & the lives of their loved ones just to get the message out of OUR LORD & SAVIOR.Sometimes I don’t have time to write,but please pray that my husband will come to realize that there are many things one can do without to help hurting people.GOD BLESS YOU ALL
April 28, 2013 @ 8:24 pm
Bea, thank you for your compliment. Please feel free to add your thoughts, everyone has their own thoughts and feelings about how they feel about inspirational, uplifting videos such as the one above. I personally would be interested in learning and hearing how you feel and what you would really like to say.
Also, I re-read all of the comments on here, as I have been in the hospital for double knee replacements on January 3, 2013 and still recuperating slowly but surely. So my dear friends, I’m back and ready to write on here again, as I truly love Net…but the reason I’m writing this is to let all of you know that I’m back and didn’t ask “Why God?” Everything happens for a reason, always remember that and never question God. Remember dear friends, God always gives His cross to those that He loves the most, if that is any consolation to any or all of you.
After re-reading the comments, some had asked how to forward the above video to friends…if you check right below the video there is always in a block section; ‘CLICK HERE TO SEND’…THAT IS WHERE, IF YOU KNOW YOUR FRIEND (S) E-MAIL ADDRESS YOU CAN SEND IT TO THEM. I do hope that this will be of assistance to those that were wondering. It’s always there for your convenience to forward…and there is also a small block next to it that if you wish to receive a copy, it will be sent to your e-mail address, as you have to fill in your e-mail address. It’s simple and self-explanatory. God bless you all, and know that I’m so happy to be back visiting and talking with each of you again. Thank you for the many prayers, support, concern, and love expressed before, during and after this major surgery. I couldn’t walk, was in the hospital for a month, then was on a walker, now a cane, and hopefully in the not too distant future off the cane, back to driving and gaining back my independence. I missed you all so much, but was unable to write until recently. I had over 2,000 plus e-mails…I’m now down to 242 unread e-mails that need to be answered. But I will get to them. God bless you all…Keep the faith…keep the prayers coming for me as I do for you.
As ever,
April 28, 2013 @ 6:04 pm
I could not have said it any better ,or clearer than Lola has said . So i will nogt add more .
April 28, 2013 @ 4:46 pm
Thank you Kiddo. I wrote to everyone here from my heart, but mostly to God. He is my strength, my love, my life. Without Him we are nothing and will be nothing. I’m happy to read that your heart will go on…keep the faith my beloved friend/stranger. I will keep you in my prayers when alone with Jesus. I will whisper your name to Him, please do so in unison for me.
April 28, 2013 @ 1:56 pm
MY Heart Will Go On
Bravo to you for this outstanding piece of thought.
God Bless!
October 7, 2012 @ 11:01 pm
This is perhaps one of the most beautiful renditions of “Why God” that I have heard and read. I’m a survivor of so much, and I can’t ever remember asking “Why God”. And I guess that you wonder why. It is my belief,that God is trying to teach us a lesson, and we’re not listening to Him. It is my belief that maybe we will wake up and realize that He took our beloved ones away from us because we mistreated them by not caring enough to watch out for them, to support them, to be there for them, not appreciate what we had with them. It is my belief, that God gives each of us the opportunity to love and respect the greatest gift He could possibly give. The gift of having children to love, cherish, support and take care of. It is my belief that God looked down upon each of us and says: “Well, I gave you the gift of life, the gift of love, the gift of compassion, and cherish what you have. You abused those gifts, so I will take them from you and love, cherish, have compassion next to my heart.” God doesn’t do things to us, we do it to ourselves. Sometimes we have selfish motives, and only think of ourselves. God is a loving God and without Him we are nothing. So never ask “Why God?” Instead say: “I’m sorry God, I let you down, you didn’t let me down. You gave me all these wonderful gifts and now I’m at a loss without them. I’m so sorry and beg you to change my ways and never question you by saying “Why God.”
October 7, 2012 @ 10:13 am
God is the author of PEAce.
May 2, 2012 @ 11:51 pm
A vital part of living a meaningful ,
fulfilling life, is as God’s word instructs us,
“Turn away from evil, and do good”
May 2, 2012 @ 12:18 pm
It is a very big differences…between this point of view…and mine…
I cannot explain here…all my conception about everything good or bad…but this was what God wanted
from me to share with you…(and of course…the help…)
Now …I am asking you…which is the contribution of God?
God wants the best for you…what are you doing with His will …depend only on yourself…
God dorsn’t force any-one to do nor good …nor bad….
God only…put in our way the opportunity…
December 7, 2011 @ 8:53 pm
Beautiful! Shared!
December 4, 2011 @ 1:27 am
Everything happen with a reason…
You know that, my friend…I know that, my friend…
You said : let everything in ….the God’s hands!
December 3, 2011 @ 11:46 am
Merry CHRISTmas everyone…
December 3, 2011 @ 11:43 am
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
December 3, 2011 @ 10:14 am
We must not question GOD’S WILL, it is WE who are responsible for our actions! If we take GOD into our lives, he will guide us in the right direction. I know becasue I have received so many blessing from my LORD and SAVIOUR each day, I pray and praise and thank him every day, everyone should! GOD wants us to love one another, but unfortunately this world is full of greed, that is NOT what we will take with us in heaven. Rememeber one thing, it’s the good that we do on this earth that we will earn HEAVEN!! Things like greed, money, power will all be left behind once we leave this earth, it is our SOUL we must SAVE, we are on this earth only TEMPORARY, some people think they will live forever, so untrue! I’d like to say one more thing, although Christmas is a wonderful time of year, with decorations and gift giving, but rememebr one thing, the REAL definition of Christmas, is CHRIST our SAVIOUR, so don’t forget HIM!
“Beloved heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we give you all the praise and honour and glory!!
December 3, 2011 @ 9:04 am
You know…why!
December 3, 2011 @ 12:10 am
Sometimes Mankind with a free will, happen to choose unwisely,
disregard Christian doctrine, and stumble blindly……..
September 15, 2011 @ 8:39 pm
Georgette, you forward through your e-mail. There should be a place on there that says “forward”. And, tes it is a wonderful video.
September 15, 2011 @ 8:32 pm
WHY GOD? its beautiful. How do I forward.
August 29, 2011 @ 8:37 pm
Every word upon that inspiring video certainly is true. GOD gave us freewill and as human beings we have abused it and brought all of these unpleasant happenings upon ourselves. All Christians truly need to learn to walk with GOD each day and strive to live by HIS words for the guidance that all of us need.I carry a prayer in my heart for all of you that are striving to live as GOD would want you to do now and forever.
August 16, 2011 @ 6:35 pm
August 10, 2011 @ 11:25 am
This is a very beautiful message and I enjoyed reading it so much. This will make others stop and think about life’s situations. But always know in your heart there is nothing that you and I can’t handle on a daily basis with God in our lives. Thanks for such beautiful messages.
August 10, 2011 @ 5:38 am
Why?…just because…us.
Do you think…God is responsible…for all this malignant situation?
Of course…not…l
And reality is …other…
The soul …before be encased in the body…chose everything of those malicious treatment…to succeed the eternal life…
and they are doing that with a great pleasure…
August 9, 2011 @ 6:02 pm
August 9, 2011 @ 4:48 pm
This truly was a message that has etered my thoughts many times, but GOD has chosen to let me know that we as human beings bring these sad things to past. Maybe we didn’t cause an accident, but another neglectful human did the act. God decided to not make puppets out of us and we have our own Free Will. OUR HEAVENLY FATHER gives us love, hope and faith, which the greatest of these is love, so HE has shown that it is necessary share this love with others. I thank all of you for your very inspiring comments and especially Steve for this very loving message.
August 9, 2011 @ 4:13 pm
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
August 9, 2011 @ 4:08 pm
Steve, you have touched the very soul of my being from the words
you have offered in, “Why God.” As I wipe away the tears from
my eyes, and try to grasp the reality of everyday occurances
that take away so many lives and affect the families and friends
of those people, I also ask God, “Why.” I can only believe that
God will offer us, ‘Hands of Hope’ so that we may carry on and
hope for a better tomorrow. Beautiful and most touching words.