You Asked Me Why I Needed You
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You asked me last night why I need you,
I need you for the compassion that resides in you.
I need you for the wisdom you could share.
I need you to talk to me and to hear your words.
I need you because you are who makes me think.
I need you for your passion, in Life and in our Love.
I need you for your charm and your grace.
I need you for your laughter and your tears.
I need you for your creativeness and your whimsy.
I need you like the flowers need the rain.
I need you as day turns into night.
I need you because I Love You
as much as I did when I made this list!
Written & Submitted By:
© tork
Music © Margi Harrell
June 4, 2010 @ 5:58 pm
It is beautiful to see the poet embracing their true heart. I need you, in all things, in everyday hours. Brave to be so expressively vulnerable, but what a gift to the one who truly loves you.
October 26, 2009 @ 4:08 am
i didnt like the music with this one although the words were lovely….
October 9, 2009 @ 9:33 am
neat,very good paom
September 12, 2009 @ 10:06 am
my baby (Coleen) i luv you for who are to me and you make me feel complete.stay coool wherever you will be and always remember you are a tatoo on my heart.
love you bigs
September 9, 2009 @ 2:02 pm
To all who have Read My poem, and have sent this E-card, Thank you all for your Kind words. I makes me feel like it was all worth it, Eveb If I brought one Heart Warming smile to a few. Thank you Lord for giving me a reason for writing this… ((((((((ROBIN))))))
September 9, 2009 @ 7:49 am
actually when i read this poem, i feel some happiness.i think all sadness has gone.anyway i thanks to the person who made this poem beautiful.
September 4, 2009 @ 3:46 am
Well thank you sooo much.
September 1, 2009 @ 9:12 am
sure the angels are singing around just to encourage blasphemous ideas…
..ironic.. people nailing down super image kite to the ground with evil gossips..
🙁 sad.. get a life..
Your worrds of faith stun me…
September 1, 2009 @ 7:43 am
i need you because your my god my husband either we didn`t marry but i respect you as my every thing ,i just wana say wt you are for me your my god .
August 31, 2009 @ 7:32 am
I need You ALLAH for all these reasons. LOVE YOU
August 30, 2009 @ 6:56 am
nice and meanful
August 30, 2009 @ 1:48 am
thanx for the sweet prayers..especially u mable..touchieng
August 29, 2009 @ 10:45 pm
I love the music. I know the song. I feel the same way. Yes, I do see you in each and every picture. Thank you for your thoughts , blessings and prayers. I’m doing much better and I have been praying for you and I pray that your health is better and that all your medical tests come out the way you want them to. I pray good health from your head to your toes. Thank you for all the cards. They really pick me up when I’m having a hard day. I’ve been busy and tired, so have not gotten on the computer but just want you to know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers and I miss you. I hope you will read this and know that I’m thinking about you, too!
August 29, 2009 @ 7:37 pm
Meu amor, eu recebi sua lista 🙂
August 29, 2009 @ 7:33 pm
Eu adorei, me tocou profundamente.
Eu recebi uma lista assim, de um Homem especial , em minha vida.
Obrigada, seja você quem for.
August 29, 2009 @ 12:51 pm
August 29, 2009 @ 10:56 am
This really says it all and I enjoyed reading it and love is a very special need we all have and I love everyone.
August 29, 2009 @ 12:15 am
we are next to God, in his very strong arms , gently embraced and then tightly lol and cradled as the precious little son, in him our dreams come alive today and forever…
I already feel like a sixty two but its fun ..talking like you guys… and Jesus forgive me for this evil chat…like the devils thoughts.. haha
August 28, 2009 @ 1:14 pm
what a beautiful poem….miracles do happen….i am that miracle.
life is what you put into it…i believe their are other’s who can make it better….
to be self-obsorbed and egotistical is ubhealthy even for me….i can rise above this challenge by being humble ad thankfull for my breathe of life…
family is more important and bein honest with one self is even better….i travelled here and there and i think its time to go home…
i’ve done enough research on homelessness and poverty just by bein with them for a short time and i bless them in my travels and may god bless them all…i am thankful for the community to help them better their lives and to be proud of who they are as individuals and organizations…i see their feelings on their face and in their heart…may they be proud of the inner beauty they have and also on the outside…my prayers are with them always…
all my relations:
August 28, 2009 @ 1:12 pm
very sweet…for getting near and more close to loard..mind soothing music…heart warming seans..are specialty of this web greatful and thankful to you all….as every day is a beautiful day with nethugs.
August 28, 2009 @ 7:47 am
thank you tork. very very lovely. I miss my Pooh honey.
August 28, 2009 @ 6:53 am
so good and to nice
August 28, 2009 @ 6:25 am
hey i like this it is so revealing and touching
August 28, 2009 @ 5:43 am
this is pretty cool…..i need u de more too…for all the reasons.
August 28, 2009 @ 2:07 am
This poem says it all, it is so beautiful. Thank you.
August 28, 2009 @ 2:06 am
This poem says it all it is so beautiful, Thank you.
August 27, 2009 @ 9:31 am
What can be reveled can be healed.
Your faith has made you well.
” I always be with you ”
” Any one who does God’s will is my brother, and my sister, and my mother.”
August 27, 2009 @ 9:28 am
i love this poem….
I love you…….
August 27, 2009 @ 9:25 am
thank you Tork. very nice
August 27, 2009 @ 9:12 am
sweet card… beautiful lines..
August 27, 2009 @ 9:08 am
I love the poem as it reflects my heart
August 26, 2009 @ 8:45 pm
This is so good and a wonderful Ecard, Skip did a good job on this I know a lot of people can relate to this, I am so Happy for you, God Bless You Eva