Zenosyne: The Sense That Time Keeps Going Faster
As a kid you run around so fast, the world around you seems to stand still. A summer vacation can stretch on for an eternity. With each birthday we circle back and cross the same point around the sun. We wish each other ‘many happy returns.’ But soon you feel the circle begin to tighten, and you realize it’s a spiral, and you’re already halfway through…
November 10, 2016 @ 6:11 pm
Life is but a blink of the eye, so let’s enjoy each day as if it was our last….Life has so much to offer if we only stop to smell the roses and live it to the fullest!!
April 29, 2015 @ 8:54 am
Such a good email to watch. Very true and we need to live every minute of our life to the fullest.