Beautiful red, pink, yellow and white roses,
They all say "I Love You"
The thorns on the bush remind us
That mistakes need forgiveness too.
Red roses tell of God's beauty,
That often thrills my soul.
The yellow, whispers of His Love,
Chasing away sadness, and making us whole.
The pink is for the blush in my cheeks,
When laughter chases the blues away.
The white tells of His forgiveness,
We'll share together each day.
If Roses grow in heaven,
Lord, please pick a bunch for me.
Place them in my loved one's arms
and tell them, they're from me.
Tell them that I love and miss
them, and when they turn to smile,
place a kiss upon their cheek
and hold them for a while.
Because remembering them is easy,
I do it every day.
But there's an ache within my heart,
that will never go away.
Written By: © Author Unknown
Music: 'Forever' © Yuko Ohigashi |