What If?
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What if…?
God couldn’t take the time to Bless us today because
we could not take the time to thank Him yesterday…
What if…?
God decided to stop leading us tomorrow
Because we didn’t follow Him today…
What if…?
God didn’t walk with us today because we failed to
recognize it as His day…
What if….?
We never saw another flower bloom because
we grumbled when God sent the rain…
What if…?
God stopped loving and caring for us because
we failed to love and care for others…
What if…?
God took away the Bible tomorrow, because
we would not read it today…
What If…?
God took away his message because
we failed to listen to His messenger…
What if…?
God didn’t send His only begotten Son because
He wanted us to prepared to pay the price of sin…
What if…?
The door to the church was closed because
we did not open the door of our hearts…
What if…?
God would not hear us today because
we would not listen to Him yesterday…
What if…?
God answered our prayers the way we answer
His call to service…
What if…?
God met our needs the way we give
Him our lives…
What if…?
We failed to pass this message on…
Written By: © Author Unknown
Let us plant a seed in the hands of others.
Send this page to the people your care about in your life.
Music: ‘A Rainy Day’ © Yuko Ohigashi
November 14, 2012 @ 5:14 am
Dream sequence
I was with several people atop a building when suddenly some people start screaming Landslide Landslide, pointing to a volcano or Mt. Mayon. It turns out to be a great lava flow that engulfed entire towns like a tsunami. At first, we in the building freeze and don’t know what to do. Other people in taller buildings start to use cables to get down but realize they are fellow survivors too. No one on the ground seems to have survived because everything along the wide lava swath got scorched.
I wonder what this means. I refuse to think of it as some kind of a prophetic vision. I don’t think I have the gift of clairvoyance, or is that something else?
Heavenly Father, into your hands, I place my worries, cares and troubles. Into your wisdom, I place my path, my direction, my goal. Into your love I place my life. Amen.
When we remember God’s faithfulness and His ability to bring good out of any situation, we find our fears calmed and our confidence renewed.
When we are in deep trials, sometimes we want to give up and not to move on. But God said I am bigger than your problem.
The finest hour in our life is when we have done good things to nameless people without expecting them to remember our acts of love and kindness.
The mathematics of life is not the multiplication of wealth but the division of task, the subtraction of greed, and the addition of humility.
When a person is consumed by concerns that have become anxieties, the peace of that person is destroyed. It is through trust in prayer — knowing that someone greater than we holds our lives in His hands — that will give us internal peace. – Bishop Chito Tagle
A person entrusting everything to God always has beautiful thoughts that no room remains for anxieties and worries despite life’s difficulties.
You are my God. You trained my eyes to see the beauty of life. You tuned my ears to the music of your spirit. You opened my mouth to sing your praise. You renewed my mind with the wisdom of your word. You filled my heart with the pureness of your love. You clothed my soul with the riches of your grace. You are the light of my spirit. I thank you and praise you because you are my God.
Each day is full of reasons to praise and thank God even when life seems empty of comfort or joy. It’s when our cups are empty that God fills them up. Real happiness comes not on achieving big things but enjoying the simple blessings in life.
Be thankful for yesterday because you have wonderful memories to think about. Be thankful for today because you are able to wake up to celebrate life. Be thankful for tomorrow because you will be able to fulfill your dreams and wishes. But most of all, be thankful to God for He was with you yesterday, He is with you today, and He will always be with you tomorrow and forever.
The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are, but how happy others can be because of you.
If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can’t buy. – Lauren Huston
The Lord will never leave you nor forsake you. WIth long life the Lord will satisfy you and show you his salvation. Surely goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life and you will always dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Blessings God has given us. Eyes not to insult but to look beyond situations. Mouth not to criticize but to speak the truth. Hands not to punish but to give help. Ears not to be insensitive but to hear voices in pain. Everything God gives us has its own purpose.
Start to speak blessings to yourself everyday. Say, in Christ I am happy. I am protected. I am guided. I am healed. I am healthy. I am strong. I am filled with the Holy Spirit. I am deeply loved. I am extremely blessed. Draw strength from these words. Believe, receive, and be empowered.
Nothing can take the place of knowing your purpose. Each of us has a purpose for which we were created. Our responsibility — and our greatest joy — is to identify it. In the coming days, know what questions you can ask yourself to help you identify your purpose.
The Lord is watching nearby to give us His grace and send us His love. Whatever our cross, whatever our pain, God always sends a rainbow after the rain. Never a weakness that He can’t feel. Never a sickness that he can’t heal. Never a sorrow that he doesn’t share. Moment by moment, we’re under Jesus’ care.
There’s a luggage limit for every passenger on a flight. The same rule applies in our lives — the lighter the luggage, the easier our journey.
When we remember God’s faithfulness and his ability to bring good out of any situation, we find our fears calmed and our confidence renewed.
If you are on your way out and it starts to rain, at least you don’t have to water the plants.
If today you are picking grapes, tomorrow you will be drinking wine.
If you ask for apples and you get lemons, make lemonade.
Every day is a blessing! Gifts don’t come on special days. They come day by day. Open your eyes and see how God loves us, not by material things,, but from the goodness of the people around us.
Bible reading can be habit forming. Regular reading can cause loss of anxiety and fear, decreased appetite for lying, cheating, stealing, hating, anger, and envy. Symptoms include increased sensation of love, joy, peace, compassion and contentment. If symptoms persist, just praise the Lord!
This is life. It can never be absolutely happy. It can never be perfectly made. Sometimes it makes us cry, suffer. But it will make us stand and learn that no matter how difficult it is there will always be many reasons to live.
God doesn’t promise to overflow your bank account, but promises to provide for your every need. Paul Chappell
When you feel like quitting, ask, Did God stop doing good in my life? If not, then why should I give up?
God always repays caring acts. It may not be with money or goods, but more often he repays it with happiness, health, friendship and love.
No one is hopeless whose hope is in God.
There is no failure more disastrous than the success that leaves God out.
Understand how God has beautifully added one more day in our life — not because we need it, but because someone else needs us.
Give it all to God: your past regrets, your present problems, your future ambitions, your fears, your dreams, your weaknesses, your habits, your hurts, and your hang-ups.
Put God in the driver’s seat of your life and take your hands off the steering wheel.
Don’t be afraid. Nothing out of his drive can ever be out of control.
Confronting death
Why do I remain scared to death of the subject of death, despite the many close brushes I had with it? I should have been used to the feeling of almost dying by now, after I choked on a lychee alone, ran into an oncoming vehicle’s path and missing the thing within an inch, ate something poisonous without knowing, figured in several falls, and so on.
Everyday, there is death. It comes as sure as there is birth. I just have to open the TV or log on to the Internet. Even around me — babies are born, old people (or not even) pass on. Shoots sprout, and dry leaves fall. Insect lay eggs by the thousands, and I slap an offending intruder that attempts a bite at my skin.
There’s this award-winning Japanese movie titled Okuribito (Departures) that points out that, whenever we eat to sustain life, death is there, a life is sacrificed. The rice grains had to die, as do the vegetables, fruits, fish, and beasts. They must all die, so you and I could live.
Again, why am I so scared about death? I will die — that’s for certain. It could be anytime from now or after several decades more. It’s okay. It won’t be the end of me. There is life after this life. (Not “life after death,” or so said one college professor of mine.) God’s love will see me through.
Meanwhile, I savor life, knowing how precious it is in its frailty. But I shouldn’t overdo it, as though manically fearful that my time here is much limited. I’m only human, not God; I can only take so much. May God forgive me for my greed for life, which is perhaps due to my thinking that I almost lost it at birth.
Well, I didn’t, and truth be told, I’ve had a fuller life, compared to most people. (Yeah, I would say that.) Maybe not in the conventional way, but I’ve gone through my 42 years with so much life — the many ups and downs of it, I mean. I still have a lot to dream of, such that I am unable to say, “I can die anytime now,” but the point is, what more can I ask for, considering everything I’ve been given? It’s true that, had I a choice, I would want to live several decades more, but that choice is not mine to make. All I can do is wish.
I believe it is best to surrender my life to God, no matter at what state of completion or incompletion death will find me. God will meet me where I am in my journey.
Dear God, my life is in you. Why am I so afraid to surrender to you? I am not just afraid, I am also very angry.
I’ve been angry at you, Lord! For why did some of my friends had to die like that? Dove, Cesar, Malou, Marc..I don’t want to die. Or I don’t want to die yet. Or I don’t want to die like that — too sudden and too young.
Oh, death! Death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death,
death, death.
In my great anger, I even uttered a curse at you, like someone possessed. I don’t know why I did that, but the reality is I did; I was capable of it. Forgive me, Lord. Forgive me, even more, for assuming, that I am a saint who’s incapable of going that low.
I wasn’t just afraid and angry at you. I was terrified of you. But why should I be in terror of a supposedly loving Deity? It’s probably because I thought, wrongly, that if I died suddenly, I would go to hell because of unconfessed sin. I’m terrified of dying all too suddenly and of dying alone, thinking I would be alone at it and no one would care. I’m afraid of dying without the money and health card for the hospital. I’m also terrified of possibly leaving my family behind, especially my parents, and the great heartache that would entail for them. I’m terrified of dying at this age because I assume I haven’t accomplished anything yet. (This has made me envious of people who I thought are accomplished (forgive me, Lord, for my envies). This perhaps means that I’m terrified that, with physical death, I would also disappear into oblivion. This is another way of saying I’m terrified of death itself, the kind that’s forever.
Oh, I’m terrified of so many things. And yet I’m not terrified enough of God. Actually God is my greatest terror — He who can send me to hell. Nevertheless, I’m terrified of so many things without bothering to question my assumptions at all. Will I really be gone forever and forgotten? Will I really disappear into nothing? Will I really die now, alone, suddenly?
But so what? So be it! When I die, I will no longer fear, as my friend Aline naughtily puts it. I will no longer have to fear, ever. I will no longer have to face the burdens of the living — including life’s many little and big terrors, foremost of which I have listed above.
When I die, God will take care of me, because I have commended my spirit to him. That means I will not really die, I will not die a lone, I will not die unprepared since it’s God who wills my earthly end by calling me home. I will not be forgotten and will not dissolve into nothingness.
Take all of me, Lord, take all of me. I surrender my all to you, right here and right now.
Forgive me, Lord, for the temerity of thinking that I am in control, that I can extend my life for one minute with a new-found food supplement or drug. I forget so easily, Lord, that you are the one who’s taking charge, that you are the author of everything — science, medicine, my body. You govern all the atoms and molecules in the universe.
Sometimes I wish I would never wake from sleep again, but I know this is more a desire borne of desperation than a leap of surrender in blind faith. If I want to wake up again or ‘pass away,’ I want to wake up again for God and pass away for God.
Oh, God, please give me hope, be my strength.
I pray that I won’t grow old alone or suddenly faint or die of a heart attack, stroke, heat stroke, aneursym, anaphylactic shock, car accident, or plane crash, but in case I do, so be it. Thanks for breaking my will, Lord.
Take all of me, Lord, take all of me. I surrender my all to you, right here and right now.
Humbled, but not humiliated (Faith Chronicles)
I have brand-new realizations. It’s liberating to know that:
I am not really as intelligent as I thought I was.
I am not as good in writing as I thought I was.
Thirdly, all the spiritual insights I’ve been sharing are not even mine! Credit must be given where credit is due: to God’s lowly priests in the pulpit and His chosen spiritual writers and layman who are much ahead in their faith experience and their practice of the faith.
But what’s most important to say is this: And that’s perfectly alright. Someone will always be less intelligent and mature and more intelligent and mature than somebody else.
From Jesus to All:
If you never felt pain, then how would you know that I am a Healer?
If you never had to pray, How would you know that I am a Deliverer?
If you never had a trial, how could you call yourself an overcomer?
If you never felt sadness, How would you know that I am a Comforter?
If you never made a mistake, How would you know that I am a forgiver?
If you knew all, How would you know that I will answer your questions?
If you never were in
trouble, How would you know that I will come to your rescue
If you never were broken, Then how would you know that I can make you whole?
If you never had a problem,How would you know that I can solve them?
If you never had any suffering, Then how would you know what I went through?
If you never went through the fire, Then how would you become pure?
If I gave you all things, How would you appreciate them?
If I never corrected you, How would you know that I love you?
If you had all power, Then how would you learn to depend on me?
If your life was perfect, Then what would you need me for?
November 14, 2012 @ 2:25 am
What if?…this can be valid for humans beings…never for God…
The reason is to build not to destroy…
We have to be aware of the great love God is showing over us!
January 16, 2012 @ 10:57 am
No, no, no…it is not a normal and right way to speak …like that…about God…
God is the best friend and father and brother to every-one who are seeking Him…
He is always present for every-one and never is unable to listen to us…
He LOVES us so much…even we not deserve…
and never…and for no body… is to late to return…to faith.
I don’t like this seed…and I’ll not pass …because I don’t want to deceive people.
This is, I’m sorry but I have to say…is a message …that can turn away people of the real sense…
September 9, 2011 @ 3:03 am
YES, what if God stopped loving and caring for us because we couldn’t love and care for others. We should all look deep into our hearts and see where we stand with our fellow men and with God.
September 1, 2011 @ 3:51 pm
Life would be miserable ,if we didn’t believe in HIS word, confess our sins, pray each day and walk in faith. I am so thankful that I was led to accept JESUS CHRIST asmy SAVOIR, at the age of fifteen, as it has given me a full life of joy and peace in my heart.
February 9, 2011 @ 4:08 am
What if God didn’t do all these things……? because we esteem Him not…..then we are a persons most miserable to all of God’s creation. Thanks to unknown for giving us these great reminders.
February 9, 2011 @ 3:11 am
gud message
February 8, 2011 @ 9:57 pm
Very inspirational and once again, thank you NetHugs. How i wish my friends would keep an open mind to accept and put into being all your inspirational messages. May God bless you all at NetHugs.
February 8, 2011 @ 6:56 pm
Have thoroughly enjoyed your site & have shared many items on here. The only request would be to somewhere list the name of the hymn or song with each poem or video. Many of them are new while others are familiar, yet I can’t remember the words. Is it possible to add the name, if not the words? The musician’s name would be wonderful as well. Thank you for considering my suggestion(s). ^_^
February 8, 2011 @ 1:13 pm
Thanks for this blessing, so much GOD for letting us be with you<3
Thank-you so much.Too many times we so easily forget what is SO VERY IMPORTANT
too us,beautiful so true , GOD love us all, he Bless all of us..<3
Thanks from Cindy<3
December 29, 2010 @ 5:59 pm
September 13, 2010 @ 11:04 am
God Bless you Dar,
God will watch over us and protect us,things happen for
his purpose.Your Grandson will come thru this and become
stronger thru all he’s going thru.Perhaps something had to
wake him up to become a better person.
June 18, 2010 @ 2:14 pm
God moves in a mysterous ways, his wonders to perforrm. What ever we need in life that is god in the sight of God will be given if we pray ernestly for it. Pray and believe that it has been granted to you. Only beleive and you shall reveive.
Sharing is one form of showing God’s love for mankind. When you share you empty your hands and pocket to get them refilled, but when you do not share, your pockets and hands remained filled, that nothing else will be placxed there.
Lord God give me the courage to withstand the test of time.
June 15, 2010 @ 2:18 pm
Rex: By living a good and loving life, you compliment the lives of your two wives…
Love is shared and is forever there (with you.) To have been loved is the ultimate.
Some people never know love, (which is sad.) Keep the faith…
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
June 15, 2010 @ 9:10 am
When you loose 2 wifes to cancer, God’s word is the only thing that keeps me going.
And to know his love is everlasting, and he is at work around us in these toruble times we face. Thank You very much for this.
June 14, 2010 @ 10:51 pm
June 14, 2010 @ 8:02 pm
What if… we never knew GOD… where would we turn?… where would we find hope?…
who would we talk to?… where would we find the wisdom that we need?…
who would fold us into His arms?… I can’t imagine life without GOD…
Thank you almighty GOD for letting us be with you…
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
June 14, 2010 @ 5:48 pm
very well say! good thoughts and good spirit within each word, each line!
incredible! so very powerful!
January 21, 2010 @ 10:44 am
beautiful so true
January 21, 2010 @ 7:45 am
This card contains the things we cannot afford to overlook because they point to things that will make us better christians if we apply them posetively in our daily lives. Thanks a million times to the writter
January 21, 2010 @ 12:01 am
Thank-you so much.Too many times we so easily forget what is SO VERY IMPORTANT
January 20, 2010 @ 9:04 am
Thanks for this blessing on this rainy mourn.It was much needed for it
blessed me with a conversation I had with my soon to be stepson .He is
16 with lots of questions.Jesus help me find the words needed to help not only him but others who need you in their life.THANK YOU JESUS AND iI will continue to pray and pass your word.
January 20, 2010 @ 3:06 am
God, is above to our thinking.God don’t need us,we need Him.TO worship Him,even the strongest one cry out heart in front of God.He does the miricals,He is Allmighty One and Only.
January 20, 2010 @ 12:33 am
keep the good work lets all learn from one another to search for unity and love .peace lets make this place a better place
January 19, 2010 @ 11:39 pm
very good style of writing as such! very good wisdom of words! good spirit and good thoughts! very enjoy it!
January 19, 2010 @ 11:16 pm
I enjoy sending these to my friends and reading and picking out the ‘right’ one..
January 19, 2010 @ 9:08 pm
I have enjoyed receiving these emails for some time now- keep up the great work
October 27, 2009 @ 1:04 pm
There are so many blessings that we do not really recognize as we hurry through life`s hurry life. We should be thankful for all our blessings, we might not think of them as blessings but they in ways guide us.
October 23, 2009 @ 9:31 am
Dar Scovronski…Don’t give up on your grandson, or anyone that you love…GOD is
everywhere, anytime and for all eternity…GOD is in prisons also…waiting for an invitation of his children to come to Him. Pray…pray…pray… Blessings.
October 22, 2009 @ 11:18 pm
I thank God each day for life…He is #1 in my life…as a grandma and great grandma…He had blessed me with the little children…I am alone…but with God…and each day He shows me how fortunate I am to have Him in my life…I pray each day that my one grandson that is in prison…finds the Lord as I have done years ago…We are all blessed. God bless you all and what a wonderful site.
October 22, 2009 @ 8:22 pm
Today I read my spiritual readings, said my prayers thanking GOD for all of our blessings.
Then when I was going out with my husband, I said GOD please come with us…and
immediately I felt so safe and loved, knowing that GOD was indeed with us. How great that felt. Thank you loving GOD.
October 22, 2009 @ 11:42 am
I appreciate the reading of this page. All the if’s are to remind us that without Almighty Father we can never be in existence. God is great and good. Therefore, as our creator, we owe God sincere worship and praise. And for the love of God over all of us – Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Let us give Almighty God our sincere thanks, appreciation and adoration every minute of our lives.
Praise the LOrd.
May 4, 2009 @ 11:26 pm
We thank God for his unconditional love.. because we are save us from our sin by the power of the cross.. to God be the glory
April 25, 2009 @ 7:17 pm
First of all, God is Love. Without Him, we’ll never exist. He is the only Powerful, all Knowing and always present when we need Him. Whatever storms comes into our lives, we must not take away our eyes to Him. He is the only Way the Truth and the Life and our only Saviour and nobody else.
So the question What if? should not be a problem if you focus your life to Him. So, the only thing we should do is always thank Him everyday of our lives for we owe it to Him. God bless!!!
April 21, 2009 @ 10:35 am
Yes without God, it is difficult to accomplish anything in life, we can always worship him in spirit and in truth because without his mercies, we would have been consume, so! what if he chooses to take his mercies away from us? WE CAN LIVE WITH HIM, BUT WE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT HIM.
April 21, 2009 @ 8:06 am
We can’t just thank God for all His great did in our life, He alone is worthy of giving and of taking, we here today living, breathing and above all good health, it is not by our strength but by is grace, We ourth to thank Him for all His kindness and marcy on us, He alone is worthy of praises.
April 21, 2009 @ 1:41 am
Have you ever been in a church service, where the preacher gave a message that pierced your heart as if it were the “finger of GOD” pointing right at you? Thank you for this timely spiritual uplifting. I needed this, for I’ve been struggling in some of these areas. Here is some insight on the eighth “what if”. In the HOLY BIBLE, GOD lamented twice (2 times) that He had made man. Let us remember that JESUS (GOD’s only begotten Son), stood in our place on the cross at Calvary, to build a bridge (if you will) between GOD the Father, and sinful, fallen man. JESUS gave us Eternal Life. All we have to do is repent of our sins before GOD and ask Him to forgive us, and live a life that is pleasing unto GOD in order to receive this Life Eternal. NOW, allow me to end with This question: WHAT IF – JESUS had not died in our place on the cross? Think about it! Or better yet, read The HOLY BIBLE.
April 20, 2009 @ 8:37 pm
It Is a Glorious Day today because it is my 63rd Bitrthday and I am here in a great place being watched over by GOD and being loved by my Wife and children. What else could anyone hope or ask for?
April 20, 2009 @ 7:05 pm
Your page is an inspiration 2 my life and i am sure 2 millions also…may God bless all of us…
April 20, 2009 @ 6:57 pm
I am very thankful we have things like this to share with others and it may be a bleesing to someone else just when they need their spirits lifted. I know my friends send them to me sometimes just when I need them the most. THANKS!! AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!
April 20, 2009 @ 6:10 pm
What a message for us, What if he didn’t forgive our sins each time we sinned. Thank GOD for sending his son to die for our sins. What if he hadn’t? That really makes us think!!!
April 20, 2009 @ 1:51 pm
This is to remind us always that we can’t do nothing without GOD!!
April 20, 2009 @ 1:07 pm
I thank GOD for every poem and cant wait inthe morning to read them. GOD bless you all.
April 20, 2009 @ 12:47 pm
Beautiful webpage and beautiful music… Blessings
April 20, 2009 @ 11:56 am
Is always place for … better in life…in every sense.
I know I am not perfect … but I try to improve me… every moment.
April 20, 2009 @ 10:35 am
I so look forward each day to your loving comments…I pass them on to my friends and family daily….Thank you!
April 20, 2009 @ 9:25 am
I love your new page. Keep up the good work of the poems and stories. They are a blessing.