Wishful Thinking
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Long lace curtains billow in the evening breeze
Wafting in the scent of a honeysuckle night,
Darkening blue skies flirt with pink dusk clouds
A choir of birds take their last cool flight.
In with the breeze blow thoughts of you.
I close my eyes and dream a sweet dream,
Honeyed twilight enfolds this vision
And you stand here beside me it seems.
But it was only my own wishful thinking
That had you bend and kiss my hand.
It was not your soft hair that tickled
But still I touch where your kisses land.
The moon kisses the sun goodbye,
Farewell until a new dawn will awaken.
Another day towards new horizons
And all demon ills gladly forsaken.
Dream with me my love tonight.
Meet me by a pool so deep,
Swim with me in loves embrace
And hold me close please while I sleep.
Written & Submitted By:
© mystery
Music: ‘Reflection’ © Yuko Ohigashi
August 12, 2012 @ 10:40 pm
He closes his eyes and dreams of her each night…
Two souls entwined; two birds taking flight…
Under the moonlight, a kiss…. So pure and divine…
And then he awakens… End of dreamtime.
March 12, 2012 @ 11:36 am
To fall in love with someone is…the best thing can happen ever…
October 22, 2011 @ 7:23 pm
Nice message
October 22, 2011 @ 5:27 am
I loved this!
October 21, 2011 @ 10:56 pm
I enjoy every time…the beautiful…with you
And I have no words enough…to say: thank you!
October 21, 2011 @ 9:11 pm
It’s my birthday, wishful thinking.
September 6, 2011 @ 11:24 am
That is beyond beautiful!!! <3
September 1, 2011 @ 11:14 am
I get your daily notices but this one was wonderful. I sent it to someone special, thank you
June 14, 2011 @ 9:38 am
when the words won’t express what I feel your quotes do thank you
May 24, 2011 @ 9:05 pm
Evidence of God’s amazing example of the ebb and flow of our life on earth.
May 1, 2011 @ 5:09 pm
looking at the water is so relaxing…i am always …wishing about true love…and i know that is real…but i keep wishing…
May 1, 2011 @ 3:44 pm
Very beautiful, I hope everybodies wishing love becomes true…
April 24, 2011 @ 7:09 pm
i just love the part which says darkening BLUE sky..and flirt with PINK..dusk clouds..i dont know what that means…i hope it is somthing good..
April 24, 2011 @ 7:01 pm
wishing thinking..is something what we wish for but could not come true…
March 10, 2011 @ 11:58 am
Yes, wishful thinking. Beautiful and just the way we wish it could be and may someday come true.
October 19, 2010 @ 4:15 am
Love and Sweet Angel….May God grant your desire. I admire your sencerity and love for each other. Hope God will provide all you need, in settling down. Be happy in all the rest of your lives with God. Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled (Heb 13:4)
April 15, 2010 @ 1:34 pm
As the moon kisses the sun goodbye, it will only be a matter of a few hours before the sun caress the morn and breathe life , peace and love to all. This is just for you, my cheryl, just allow the envigorating sun to bathe you in its glory and splendor as it enlivens you to new heights. Thanks for loving you!
April 13, 2010 @ 7:21 pm
timelessly beautiful! these kind of poetry can read it over and over and over!!!!
each time it gives out a totally new refreshing meaning and fragrant scents!!!!
April 12, 2010 @ 11:37 am
April 10, 2010 @ 9:01 am
read it again, it is still the same sweetness nevertheless touch deeply in my heart!! very tender, very thoughtful, and very lovely! what a lover!
April 9, 2010 @ 9:36 am
Good stuff. Keep it it going.
April 9, 2010 @ 7:57 am
Whao!!! sweet dreams for me tonight. That was lovely.
April 9, 2010 @ 12:04 am
God bless you Pam. Thank your beloved for protecting our great country. God protect him and lead him to a safe home coming to you when his tour is up.I will pray for you both! God always answers our prayers. Pray with all your heart and soul.
God Speed
April 8, 2010 @ 11:35 pm
But what more to live for than Art and Romance.
April 8, 2010 @ 11:34 pm
Oceans of memories lay deep within my heart that I gave away a long time ago.
I love receiving these poems. It always brightens my spirit and warms my heart.
April 8, 2010 @ 11:25 pm
This is gorgeous. Takes my breath away. Elegant and visual. Makes my heart go pitter pat.
December 11, 2009 @ 3:18 am
This for the man l am in love with, SSGT. Michael Wells in Iraq, that l love and miss so much, know baby, l love you with all my heart, mind body, and soul, and l thank God for putting you in my life and l am so proud of you, please take good care of you, l know our father in heaven is watching over you, my love, your Pam
December 10, 2009 @ 11:21 pm
the poem is very loving! very sweet! very personal touch with lot of love! and hope! it brings such sweetness into our hearts!
December 10, 2009 @ 7:49 pm
September 15, 2009 @ 12:42 pm
awesome! wishing to have a real dream
August 4, 2009 @ 3:47 am
What a beautiful poem. Sent it to a love one and was so happy.Wishing to experiance such a dream in reality.
July 29, 2009 @ 8:16 am
wish it were true.
July 29, 2009 @ 5:33 am
it was a wonderful dream ma dear, but i believe dat sometime dreams can be reality, i wish it was true……
July 28, 2009 @ 3:46 am
Candy, I don’t wanna wake up from this dream.
July 27, 2009 @ 3:34 pm
A great dream. I wish often it were real. But I know it isnt. But do not deny us our dreams
July 27, 2009 @ 12:11 pm
Such a precious poem. Please do hold her tonight as she sleeps, since she’s in deep water, we don’t her to drown. Seriously though, this is a sweet poem, and touching.
July 27, 2009 @ 10:17 am
Eu vou agradecer, esse lindo poema, são palavras maravilhosas; que eu posso imaginar e sentir,
mas quem devo agradecer,? eu não conheço você.
July 27, 2009 @ 10:02 am
Åh,Thats so Romantiks poem!So Sweet,and Charming!Thank you my frend!
July 27, 2009 @ 9:45 am
Fantastic, had to look at this one again!!!
July 27, 2009 @ 9:05 am
So beautiful, Mystery! Awesome work, by both you and Skip, God bless you always!
July 27, 2009 @ 6:26 am
its been a long time I have read a peom like that.. there is a glimpse of your soul in those lines…very soft feel and touching.. great card altogether!!!
July 26, 2009 @ 7:50 pm
lucky lucky me to have such a gifted woman as you write me such words, tonight I walk on water and touch the clouds.. thank you my dear mystery girl
July 26, 2009 @ 7:36 pm
Absolutely Beautiful!!! You’ve done an awesome job on this wonderful poem Mystery, and Skip once again it’s a fantastic card!!!